Hello! 👋 My Name is

Manick Jamadar

Full Stack Developer
Full Stack Developer

I build real apps for real users to solve real problems


Having expertise in various areas of software development makes me unique

Frontend Development

Experienced in expertly crafting user-centric and responsive frontend apps for seamless digital experiences

Backend Development

Proficient in creating robust and efficient server-side solutions for seamless application functionality

UI/UX Design

Passionate about crafting captivating designs that seamlessly blend aesthetics and functionality for exceptional user experiences

Creative Skills

Adapting and Upgrading myself by learning new skills is my no. 1 skill

Live Projects

Solving real world problems by building stuff is my passion not my work

Prompty Land Image


Prompty Land

Promptyland is an AI Prompt marketplace for modern world to create, share and explore creative prompts

Blogskitter Image



Blogskitter is an open platform where readers find dynamic thinking and where expert and undiscovered voices can share their writing on any topic

Personal Website Image


Personal Website

It's a digital mirror reflecting my devotion to software development and design. Explore my journey, projects, and skills all in one sleek virtual space

Freedom Calculator Image


Freedom Calculator

It helps users to calculate the required savings to achieve financial freedom and effectively plan their path to financial independence

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Stepper Challenge

I have participated in stepper coding challenge conducted by Colt Steele on his youtube channel. It was a great learning experience

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Css Injector

Inject css rules to style tag of document head dynamically with javascript. User can select whether to insert to top or not also

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are curious to know more about me then you are in the right place

Are you a self taught Developer?

Yes, I am a self-taught developer. My passion for programming led me to learn through online resources, books, and practical projects. This hands-on approach has given me a strong foundation in coding and problem-solving.

What advice do you have for other self-taught developers?

My advice is to be patient and persistent. Learning to code is a journey, not a destination. Set clear goals, break projects into manageable steps, and don't shy away from seeking help when needed. Leverage online communities, learn from failures, and most importantly, enjoy the process of learning and creating.

How do you maintain such high productivity as a developer?

Productivity is a priority for me. I plan my work using techniques like time blocking and Pomodoro. I break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and set clear goals. By maintaining a focused work environment and minimizing distractions, I'm able to consistently deliver quality code efficiently.

How do you ensure the quality of your code?

Quality assurance is essential. I write clean, well-documented code and conduct thorough testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and sometimes end-to-end tests. Continuous integration tools like Github Actions help automate this process.

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Manick Jamadar

I build real apps for real users to solve real problems

Manick Logo

Manick Jamadar

I build real apps for real users to solve real problems

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Design and built with ❤️ by Manick Jamadar

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